Thursday, August 5, 2010

Differenciating Between what is Fixable and What is Patchable

By Dr. Seth Labott, D.C.

Many patients come to our office looking for the miracle cure. "Doc, can you fix my back?" If only it were that simple. In the United States we have been trained to look for the miracle potion, lotion, or pill to eliminate our pain and make us comfortable.  It seems as though the large majority of us want to be comfortably numb.  It is my job to explain to patients that although pain makes you uncomfortable, it is the body's natural warning mechanism that something is wrong.  Masking the pain with medication is usually not in your best interest.  Yet every day, millions of Americans ignore the pain, push through their daily routines, and wind up making their conditions worse.

Yes, we want to help eliminate your pain. In fact, it is our first intention when patients come into our office.  However, there are other important concepts to understand and address.  First we have to determine what is the cause of  your pain. We are looking to address the cause and not just the symptoms.  How long has the cause of this condition actually been there?  Pain is usually the last thing in a process to arrive; fortunately it is also usually the first thing to disappear.  This does, however, mean that your condition has most likely been developing over a long period of time.
With degenerative disc disease sometimes the damage has been there so long that it will never return to it's original state. This then has become an area that is patchable and not truly fixable.   It is possible though to reduce the amount of pain associated with this condition and also increase the function of the area as well.   There are many doctors that claim to be able to fix patient's degenerative conditions.  This is actually not true.
What we do for our patients is to investigate the actual cause of your health concern. We do an extremely thorough health history and examination. We review any diagnostics already performed and order others if necessary.  Once we've reviewed all of your information, we are able to tell you if we can help. If we can help, we tell you what we can actually help you with. We talk about what is fixable versus what might only be patchable. We  talk about time parameters.  Most patients want to know when will treatment end.  When is it over, and when will they be available for maintenance care to ensure they can maintain the progress they have obtained. If we can not help you we will tell you that too, and help you find someone best who can.

In conclusion, if you are suffering with degenerative disc disease, be weary of doctors that claim to fix your problem.  Most likely, it has taken a long time for your  condition to develop. There might be damage to the extend that it will never be truly fixed.  We help our patients to fully understand their condition, reduce their pain, increase their function, and learn how to strengthen their body to avoid flare ups.

Many doctors in Marin trust referring their patients to us because of our reputation for thorough diagnostics and extensive pain management and wellness services. We offer a non-surgical solution to bulging and herniated discs, spinal stenosis, sciatica, neck and arm pain. If you would like more information on how we can help please visit us at or call the office for a complementary consultation 415.389.1145.

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